Of course, we also help our clients with financing issues. One of the possible forms of financing are the so-called Public-Private-Partnership programs. For states and public clients, they are now part of everyday life.
And this is how it works: One country, for example, provides a so-called performance bond in the amount of 49 percent of the sum required for the project. Banks or international funds provide a larger percentage of the sum immediately and the construction project can begin. Later on, the remaining amount will also be provided by the banks or funds.
After completion of the project, corresponding sales are generated and the financing instrument is returned to the state. After the total amount of funding has been repaid, all the plants are transferred to the state. In some countries, the projects are also handed over to the private sector as an alternative. The usual time frame for such projects is ten years.
If you are interested in our service, please contact us.